At the Conference Room of the Department of International Relations Saturday (15/04), Fisip Post Graduate Program held a public lecture by presenting Dr. Wisnu Suhardono. Banyumas original son who was born in Kalirajut Hamlet, Notog Village, Patikraja Subdistrict, besides as a Board of Trustees of Unsoed as well as a national businessman and Chairman of DPD Golkar Party of Central Java, presenting the topic of Sociology of Political Leadership. Attending the event was Vice Rector IV, Drs. Sigit Wibowo DN, MM., Assistant Director I and II of Unsoed Post Graduate Program, FISIP Unsoed Deans, FISIP faculty and S2 and S1 students. The event that is packaged in an open discussion format takes place quite interesting because it begins with a different understanding, so it becomes a dynamic discussion forum.
In his speech, Dean of FISIP Dr. Ali Rokhman, thanked him for his presence. Wisnu Suhardono who has been willing to spend his time to give a public lecture at this time, also his willingness to be a guest lecturer who will routinely give lectures at the Master of Science Program Administration FISIP Unsoed. “It is expected that the material, which is a combination of the practical and theoretical experience of his political and economic world, can improve students’ knowledge and insight,” he said. The same thing was also conveyed by the Vice Rector of Field I who was present representing Rector Unsoed, who conveyed that between theory and practice is often found biased, thus the presence of Dr. Wisnu Suhardono who is a practitioner of the world of politics and economics and a qualified education, is expected to increase the breadth of understanding and thinking of students in developing the knowledge they learn.
Beginning his presentation, it was said that leadership is needed from the smallest organization, the greater the organization the greater the necessary leadership. Leadership is needed to maintain order and regularity in both the political, economic and socio-cultural fields. The main factor of leadership success is the ability to formulate and realize the vision and mission of the leader candidate based on the ability of the resources owned. It was said that “It is much worse than the New Order, the reform order aimed at improving the deficiencies of the new order, apparently up to 19 years running has not brought significant improvement”, he stressed. For example, democracy, democracy runs well is the community’s income and the minimum education of the community, but nowadays who is rich can easily become a leader regardless of its quality, consequently corruption involving regional heads and board members is rampant. “The main criteria of a future leader are character, capacity and integrity. All three are a unity that must be possessed by a prospective leader, with the three criteria are expected to bear leadership that has a high objectivity, professionalism and proportionality, unlike the current conditions, “he explained